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Heated Driveway's

Heated Walks

Heated Steps

Never Shovel Again!

Let it Snow..   Let it Snow..   Let it SNOW!

Heated Driveways

Entrances &


Residential & Commercial Installations

Michigan Residents Love The Four Seasons Including The Beauty of a  Fresh Winter Snowfall. 

Now you can truly enjoy it without concern and hassle of endless shoveling, blowing, plowing or deicing with a Radiant Heated Exterior Snow Melt System by

Potoroka Concrete, LLC

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Say Goodbye To Endless Shoveling and Slippery Conditions....

Heated Driveways,

why all the Hype to have one?

Radiant heat has been in the home building and residential renovation offerings for many years.  It quickly became a leading option to enhance indoor home living comfort. Radiant floor heat continues to be an extremely popular home addition, seen in many homes today.  It is commonly used and installed under wood floors and tile floors to keep the floor surface and rooms warm in areas such as the bathrooms and family rooms. Exterior radiant heated driveways are proving to be just as favorable since their introduction into the market and have quickly become an addition to many new homes and renovation projects, enhancing homeowners living experience.  A heated exterior snow melt system provides safety, piece of mind and eliminates the need for shoveling, snow blowing, plowing or use of damaging sometimes toxic deicers.  These standard dredded snow and ice removal techniques require repetitive, costly and very physical involvement that never really get the job done properly, leaving that thin layer of slippery surface that plows and snow blowers just can't remove.  Imagine waking to a winter wonderland outdoors with a completely clear driveway and walk, with nothing to do but enjoy the scenery mother nature has left behind, with a heated driveway that becomes your new reality. You'll never worry about snow removal again and you'll gain peace of mind knowing that you have clear exterior accesses protecting you, your family and guests from slip and fall hazards all winter long.

Radiant Heated Driveway Asphalt Potoroka

Snow Melt Systems to Fit Most Budgets, All Automated to Keep you Cleared All Season Long


What are Heated Driveways?

Heated driveways are basically the same concept as the popular radiant heated flooring found indoors just a heavy duty constructed version to handle the extreme conditions. Exterior snow melt systems, heated driveways, we use electric radiant heat cables or mats that warm to the industries standards, the cables or mats are installed to specification into or under the surface of concrete, asphalt, pavers, and various other paving mediums to warm the pavement surface to temperatures that prevent snow accumulation or ice build up, the automatic system keeps the surface areas  clear of snow and ice. While radiant interior floors warm to temperatures for warmth and comfort we feel, exterior radiant surfaces warm to temperatures to prevent snow accumulation and ice build up.  

Snow Melting, Automated & Maintenance Free 

Our systems are fully automated and activated by sensors that detect precipitation and exterior temperatures. You never need to worry about when or if snow is coming, the sensors do the work for you and activate automatically when the conditions are present   All our radiant snow melt  systems can be tailored and custom designed to accommodate each individuals needs and existing power availability.  Systems can be tailored to most budgets, from full coverage, higher traffic or problem areas to tire track access only, we can target your needs.   

Potoroka Concrete Heated Driveway Option

Heated Driveway & Exterior Snow Melt Options

There are two types of driveway heating systems used today in exterior snow melting: electric and hydronic.  Both technologies use heating elements installed into or under the pavement surface, electric uses a heat resistant cable or mat and hydronic uses tubing with warmed water/liquids heated through a boiler system.  We no longer offer hydronic heating systems, we have moved to exclusively offering and installing electric snow melt systems here in our Michigan climate.  Electric systems deliver a hassle free experience for our clients.  With electric radiant systems there is no need for a mechanical room and boiler system, no need for maintenance after installation. We have found the electric to be a much smarter, user friendly choice for our clients that removes opportunity for failures and issues down the road.  

Costs Of a Heated Driveway

The costs associated with installing a new heated driveway snow melt system vary by project.  Costs are determined by several factors, first how much surface area you want to melt, followed by what surface material we are installing the system into or under like concrete, asphalt or stone and pavers.  Costs also vary depending on if you have an existing surface to remove or if we are starting with new construction project and new driveway. Next is electrical service additions if required.  Many of our new Heated driveway projects are being installed when homeowners are renovating and replacing existing driveways that are way past their time and during new home construction, adding it to their custom options while the home is under construction.  We also offer retrofitting into your existing driveway surface for those addressing problem areas such as steep inclines and areas the hold water leading to ice build up.  


On average, the costs run from $16 Sq Ft to $26 Sq Ft with a driveway surface included. Again there are many options available in surface mediums and custom systems.  We can design a system to fit most budgets.   

Snow Melt Radiant Heated Driveway Surfac

Full Coverage

Full Snow Melt Systems, Complete Covrage

Complete Coverage of Driveway, Walks and Entrances. Never shovel, plow, snow blow or use harsh deicers again!

Potoroka Concrete Heated Driveways Walks

High Traffic 

Public Traffic Slip and Fall Hazard Prevention

Protect your high traffic areas from dangerous, costly slip and falls due to snow and ice.


Tire Track

Problem Areas and Inclines 

Tackle steep inclines or problematic areas during the snow and ice season, easily access your driveway with clear paths to your destinations.

The Benefits of a Heated Driveway and other Exterior Surface

The first and most obvious benefit of a heated driveway is eliminating the efforts and costs associated with snow removal, no more shoveling, snow blowing, or plowing.  With a heated driveway this becomes a thing of the past your driveway will be clear all season long.  We say, Let it snow, let it snow!  

Safety, Eliminate Slip and Fall injury, Your new heated driveway will be clear to the surface with no remaining build up.  Slip and fall injuries are a major risk during the snow and ice seasons here in Michigan.  A Heated driveway removes the liability and protects your family, friends and visitors from dangerous slip and fall injuries.

A heated exterior snow melt system is an addition you'll wonder how you lived without. Maintenance Free and fully automated by Weather Senors.  Delivering piece of mind, eliminating the need for shoveling, snow blowing, plowing or use of damaging sometimes toxic deicers.  These dredded snow and ice removal techniques require repetitive, costly and very physical involvement that never get the job done properly, leaving that thin layer of slippery surface that plows and snow blowers just can't remove.  With a fully automated heated driveway you know your always prepared for what mother nature delivers with no involvement or intervention on your part.

The Drawbacks of a new Heated System Installation


Installation Expense,  depending on the options chosen for the new system the initial costs can be significant.  Many things have changed in this area that are making it a much more popular and attractive addition cost wise,  they include:  installation during home building process, installation when a new driveway is being installed, its flexibility to install  in target areas, and the ability to retrofit the systems into existing pavement.  See our area on Radiant Heat driveway costs. New techniques and systems designed for residential installations today are bringing these costs in line for many homeowners to enjoy the benefits  a heated driveway delivers.  Its not just for Luxury home construction today, heated driveways  can be the answer for homeowners that have difficult access, steep incline driveways or elevation issues that allow ice build up.

Next, All exterior systems are not created equal.  With its popularity gaining rapidly in residential construction, many new cables and mats are popping up in the market. Knowing the differences and what to avoid can be confusing for shoppers.   Using only a cable That is tried and tested with years of  performance proof is critical when installing a system encased in a surface medium. Unfortunately, like everything when something is getting recognition manufacturers jump on the production wagon to get a piece of the pie.  Using an industrial coated cable and or mat  that has been designed for such encasement and can be used in any pavement medium is critical and key to ensure the performance and longevity of your investment.   This drawback is easily removed from the equation by hiring a skilled experienced installer with a premium Snow Melt System, in this case it is wise to evaluate cost differences between systems and know why they differ.  

Radiant Heat/Snow Melt Systems in Exterior Paving Driveways, Walks and Front Entrances

Heated Driveway Photos

Potoroka Concrete Installation of Heated

What does it cost to install a heated driveway

The most common question we get are on costs associated with a radiant heated driveway. The answers vary, we can build systems to accommodate most budgets and costs will be dependent on surface area and if we are installing a new paving surface such as concrete or asphalt.  A standard system cost averages $15-$19 installed.  That is for system and system installation ready for pavement medium.  This is based on electrical amperage being available on your current homes power source 

Heated Driveway Photo Potorok Concrete

How a Heated Driveway Works

Our systems consist of three main components: the heating element, activation device, and contactor panel. Most common applications are in concrete driveways but they can also be added in Paver driveways and asphalt paving. The heating elements are a coated,electric resistance cable Located in the slab at a specified depth from the surface, Activation is either manual switch or exterior sensor with automatically detects the snowfall and triggers the master control to start the system, The cables heat during this time and warm to melt the snow, the sensor will then detect when the snow has stopped and trigger the system to shut off, the system will remain on for a bit of time after to dry the surface to prevent ice. 

Potoroka Concrete Heated Driveways Photo

How much do they cost to operate

The average costs for a 700-800 sq ft driveway on a single zone system averages between $3-$4 per hour for electrical costs.  Many of our clients are surprised by how cost effective the system use is, our systems are designed to run cost effectively. Most snow storms here in Michigan do not last full days or even for extended hours so the systems run just long enough to clear the snow coming down or can be manually turned on and run at your specified terms.  Of course electric rates vary and change from the provider so these costs can differ from year to year.

Never Shovel Again, The gift that keeps on Giving Year after Year.  Prevent snow and ice buildup from creating hazards on driveways and other surfaces by installing a heated driveway or other heated surface. With options for asphalt, pavers, and concrete, Potoroka Concrete can keep your driveway, stairs, sidewalks, entrances and more clear of snow and ice. Additionally, our snow melting cables can be retrofit into existing driveway surfaces. Our exterior Snow Melt cables are the toughest construction available for residential.  Our skilled installers can do the entire project complete with new driveway surface or install the snow melt system on its own for your concrete or asphalt installer.  Our systems can run automatically by sensors or can be controlled manually by areas.  View our photos to see the installation process. Call us for a free estimate. 


Potoroka Concrete, Below see our Installation of Hott Wire Snow Melt System in Concrete, Client choice was a Decorative Exposed Aggregate concrete for the surface finish of the Heated areas of the driveway and walkways


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Potoroka Concrete Est 1996 Proudly Serving Southeast Michign for Over 25 Years

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